International Competition of Brass Orchestras



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Mednarodno tekmovanje pihalnih orkestrov v koncertnem igranju
Štefanova 5, SI-1000 Ljubljana
Phone386 (0) 1 241 0500

The International Competition of Brass Orchestras in Concert Performance is a high quality international competition for wind orchestras that takes place every few years in different cities in Slovenia. It is managed by the Public Fund for Cultural Activities of the Republic of Slovenia which organises the competition in cooperation with the Slovene Brass Orchestra Union.

The 1st International Competition of Brass Orchestras, "Slovenia 2000", took place in Koper in 2000 and was followed by competitions every three years in Velenje in 2004, 2010, and 2012, and Novo mesto in 2007. The 2012 competition in Velenje took place in the frame of the project Maribor, European Capital of Culture 2012. In addition to the competition programme, the 2012 event included an accompanying programme with the guest orchestras Band Musikschule from St. Stefan im Rosental, Austria; Tamburaški orkester KUD "Gaj" from Zagreb, Croatia; and Akademik Big Band from Uljanovsk, Russia. In 2018, the 6th edition of competition took place in Jesenice.

The competition takes place in three levels of difficulty, each of them has one mandatory work and two works of choice. The organiser may grant additional prizes as deemed by the donors and organisers of the competition and also some additional, special awards in all categories.

The competition has hosted several internationally-renowned experts as jury members: Igor Krivokapič, Nikolaj Žličar, Miroslav Šurbek, Tomaž Habe, Mitja Dragolič, Simon Robinson, Reinhold Rogg, Evžen Zamečnik, Tomislav Fačini, Isabelle Ruf-Weber, Alojz Zupan, Trevor J. Ford, John Alden Stanley, Siegmund Andraschek, Anatoly Dudin, Jozsef Csikota and Ivan Marin.

See also

External links

Mednarodno tekmovanje pihalnih orkestrov v koncertnem igranju +
Mednarodno tekmovanje pihalnih orkestrov v koncertnem igranju +
SI-1000 Ljubljana +
Štefanova 5 +
The International Competition of Brass Orchestras in Concert Performance is a high quality international competition for wind orchestras that takes place every few years in different cities in Slovenia. +
The International Competition of Brass Orchestras in Concert Performance is a high quality international competition for wind orchestras that takes place every few years in different cities in Slovenia. +
+386 / 1 241 0500 +
Ljubljana +
SI-1000 +
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